Our most popular stock profiles are available in a range of lengths, heights and standard colours. Rest assured, we have datastrip to fit a vast range of shelf types.
All products have high impact strength combined with impressive UV-stability. Adhesive backed datastrips come with standard tape (TP) suitable for moderate temperature environments or foam tape (TF) for colder applications and uneven surfaces.
Ticket height/length are in mm
Understanding our datastrip codes: E.G. DBR26-TP-0915RED
DBR = type of datastrip
26 = ticket height datastrip is designed to fit
TP = type of adhesive tape
0915 = length of datastrip
To use our catalogue, please browse the catagories tabs in the drop down menu, or utilise our search bar to find what you're looking for using one of our Product Codes or a short description of the item.
To download a copy of one of our catalogues, please access them via our website: www.sposgroup.com/our-catalogue
If you are unsure of what you need or what the products do, our sales and customer service staff are more than happy to help. If you can't locate the right product for your need, we can help in sourcing the best solution.
Our online catalogue will display the price of our products and stock levels in real time. Our products are sold in box or package quantities, so please check these in the descriptions when placing an order.
Currently we ship your orders from our warehouse to anywhere in Australia and shipping times will vary from destination to destination. Shipping times are estimates and also depends on stock available. We'll be in touch if we anticipate any substantial delays.
Thank you for trusting SPOS Group as your Point of Sale Solutions Supplier